Join in on the Friday Night FaB Fun! Every Friday at FaB Foundry PDX!Event starts at 6 PM.Entry includes your chance at Armory Promos and Pack Per Win prize out.Click on the Address to get to Google Maps:1516 NE 37th Ave Ste 205Portland, OR 97232
January Armory Kit Contents: Playmat will be awarded at the last Armory of the Month
If you are interested in keeping up with Armory News and Updates, Join the Foundry Discord and select the PDXPlayer Role from the Role Selector Channel.
Ring in the New Year with our next Social Play Event on Wednesday, January 8th, 2025.Social Play!!! Every Other Wednesday Night at 6:30 PMOur Standard Social Play Event is UPF (using Blitz Deck Building Guidelines)Entry includes 2 Packs of the latest set. 1 pack to be used as your bounty and 1 Pack to be used at players discretion. All Brevant Social Play Kit Promos will be randomly rewarded based on participaction.
Marked for death. Pursue your target to the edge of oblivion and fulfill your vow of vengeance.Or is that exactly what the huntsman wants?Are you the hunter or the hunted?Join us as we celebrate the newest FaBtcg set, The Hunted!Friday, January 24th, 2025 at 6:30PMEvent Capacity: 28 PlayersPlayer will receive 8 The Hunted Booster packs to build a 30 card Deck.Pre-Release Token/Card Pack per entryThe Hunted Pack per Win with everyone leaving with at least 2 packs.