When this defends, you may put a card from your hand or arsenal on the bottom of your deck. If you do, draw a card.
Blade Break (When the combat chain closes, if this defended, destroy it.)
Rune Gate (If you control Runechants equal to or greater than Widespread Annihilation's {r} cost, you may play it from your banished zone without paying its {r} cost.)
When the combat chain closes, each hero who has lost {g} this turn banishes a card from their hand.
Blood Debt (While this is in your banished zone, at the beginning of your end phase, lose 1{g}.)
You may play this from your banished zone.
If a hero has lost {g} this turn, you may play this as though it were an instant.
Create a Runechant token.
Blood Debt (While this is in your banished zone, at the beginning of your end phase, lose 1{g}.)
Bravo Specialization (You may only have this in your deck if your hero is Bravo.)
Crush - When this deals 4 or more damage to a hero, the only attacks they may play or activate during their next turn are attacks with base {p} greater than the damage dealt this way.
Unity - When this defends together with a card from hand, create a Seismic Surge token under any number of heroes' control.
Rune Gate (If you control Runechants equal to or greater than Widespread Destruction's {r} cost, you may play it from your banished zone without paying its {r} cost.)
When the combat chain closes, each hero who has lost {g} this turn banishes a card from their arsenal.
Blood Debt (While this is in your banished zone, at the beginning of your end phase, lose 1{g}.)
If this was banished from your hand this turn, you may play it from your banished zone.
Blood Debt (While this is in your banished zone, at the beginning of your end phase, lose 1{g}.)
Rune Gate (If you control Runechants equal to or greater than Widespread Ruin's {r} cost, you may play it from your banished zone without paying its {r} cost.)
When the combat chain closes, each hero who has lost {g} this turn banishes the top card of their deck.
Blood Debt (While this is in your banished zone, at the beginning of your end phase, lose 1{g}.)
As an additional cost to play this, you may charge your hero's soul. (Put a card from your hand face-up under your hero card.)
If a yellow card was charged this way, whenever an attack action card hits this combat chain, create a Courage token.
Dorinthea Specialization (You may only have this in your deck if your hero is Dorinthea.)
Until end of turn, target Dawnblade gets +1{p} and "Damage this would deal can't be prevented."
Unity - When this defends together with a card from hand, create a Courage token under any number of heroes' control.
As an additional cost to play this, banish up to 3 cards from your hero's soul. Choose that many modes;
Target Light attack gets +2{p}.
Target Light attack gets "When this hits, draw a card."
Target Light attack gets "When this hits, it gets go again."
Starting with the hero to your left, each hero chooses war or peace.
If they choose war, the only actions they may play or activate during their next turn are weapon and attack actions.
If they choose peace, the only actions they may play or activate during their next turn are non-weapon non-attack actions.
Once per Turn Action -- {r}: Your next sword attack this turn gets "When this hits a hero, create a Courage token." Go again
Temper (When the combat chain closes, if this defended, put a -1{d} counter on it, then if it has 0{d}, destroy it.)